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《钢铁是怎样练成的》读后感 2范例1200字作文

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How is steel made? This is a novel I like very much. Do you feel curious when you look at this topic? Me too. Once, I thought it was a book about how to practice steel. But later I learned that it was a book for people.
  It mainly said that Paul Cokin saw a lot of ugliness and injustice when he was young. He grew up and risked his life to save many people. Later he became a scout. In the battle, he was wounded and returned to his hometown. While repairing the railway, Pauls old injury recurred and almost died. After leaving the hospital, Paul was unable to work normally. He was in great pain. Every day you were so poor that you lost your eyesight. However, he fought with the disease persistently and wrote a glorious life with his pen.
  I just like this book because the protagonist in it has the lofty ideal of iron will. Especially in Pauls kind of indomitable revolutionary spirit and persistent revolutionary faith. Im really impressed. I am eager to have the same iron will as he has lofty ideals and lofty aspirations. Im more eager to realize my wish. But I know that I cant become him. I have the same iron will as him, at least not now. So I want to start from now on, dont give up because of one failure. Failure is the mother of success. I believe that as long as I keep working hard, I will succeed without being defeated by failure.
  This novel enlightens me so much. What about you? You may as well go and have a look, maybe it will also inspire you!

《钢铁是怎样练成的》读后感 2范例1200字作文
